Traveling with Toddlers ~
2. Sleep - If you choose to give your toddler a little something on the flight to make them sleep, please do so on permission of your pediatrician and make SURE you have tried it out at home prior to the flight (some medicines take an adverse effect on children and make them hyper-alert - toddlers are active enough, they do not need anything to intensify this!)
3. iPad (or any other technological device that your kid loves) - Some moms are anti-technology for their kids at a young age - I am not one of those moms. At home, I believe in limiting the use of technology as they need outdoor stimulation in addition to this. However, on a long-haul flight, do whatever works! Take along a fully-charged iPad or any other device that is airplane-friendly and will keep your child happy.
4. Snacks - Take along some snacks - airlines are very accommodating with regards to child meals, but sometimes kids can be picky (and they do choose the worst times) so having their favorite snacks can help and even serve as a great distraction from a tantrum. Carry along little packets of nuts, dried fruit and maybe a packet of chips or two- No sweets please!
5. The airline kit for kids - most airlines provide a little bag filled with activites for kids. Make use of this - the kids will be occupied with the colouring book and snacks for ATLEAST half an hour.You can also take along a colouring book, writing pad and even play dough (I will be taking this along, my little girl will be occupied for hours on the eating table provided - nothing a little wet wipes can't clean up!)
6. Do not pull out everything in the first hour - Brace yourself - pull out your bag of tricks one at a time - for the first hour movies, the second snacks, the third colouring book etc.
Traveling with babies ~
It is a bit more difficult to advise on traveling with babies, as they are not able to communicate and so cry as means of getting anything or when they are uncomfortable or unhappy. Again, if you are going to give your baby a little something to help them sleep, make sure you do so on permission of your pediatrician.
1. Soothing - Make use of a pacifier or bottle or any means of soothing (perhaps a favourite blanket or teddy) that your child prefers.
2. Take along snacks for older babies - hand-held snacks for babies are a great distraction, snacks such as Flings, cheddars, dried fruit flakes are all a great idea.
3. Take along some toys - I came across this little traveling bag for babies and just had to share it with you all! I think it is such an innovative idea and great for taking along toys without the hassle of putting it together your self. This traveling kit contains 10 activites that are age appropriate from 4-18month olds eg. grasping, posting and looking as well as sensory activities. There is also a book, peekaboo cloth amongst other items. I think this kit could keep a baby entertained for hours and will definitely come in handy for both plane trips and airport waits. It comes in a lighweight suitcase with instructions what to do with the items. You can purchase them from Lucy Johnson - they are R120 each. Contact Lucy on 083 413 7724 (DURBAN area) *I am giving away one of these traveling kits - have a look at my Instagram page for details*

Lastly, the best advise I can give is to stay calm - children can sense anxiety and if you act out, chances are that your child will too. Ignore the stares from other people, chances are you will never see them again! I wrote this article a little for my readers and a little for me too; as I will be flying 16 hours with a 2 and a half year old!
I hope that all your toddlers sleep for most of their flights and for the time they are awake, watch the in-flight entertainment whilst quietly munching on snacks. If not, keep chanting to yourself the mommy mantra "This Too Shall Pass." Happy holidaying & Safe Travels Mommas!
Positive vibes & The Mandatory xoxo