I embark on my American adventure next week - but this post is not about that, this post is about everything that happens before this trip. As my mom was putting the finishing touches on her packing (her bags are ready to be locked and are good to go!) she asks me, "Did you put any washing powder into your bag?" to which I responded "Not yet, because I haven't packed yet." The look on her face went from shock to disbelief to annoyance - all in less than a minute. "What do you mean your bags aren't packed yet?? We're leaving in seven days!!" she said in the mom-tone that makes everyone's heart skip a beat.
This brings me to my first pre-holiday problem ~ I am a last-minute packer. I almost always forget something, so I have learnt my lesson over and over again - which is why I have decided to change this. As of this morning, I decided to change my packing procrastination and become an early packer - (yes mom, packing 6 days prior to a trip is considered early by most standards!)
This brings me to my second problem; which believe it or not, I came to realize in another conversation with mom that I must share with you all. Again yesterday, during moms final-touches-of-packing she asks me "How many pairs of boots are you taking with you?" to which I cautiously replied that I would be taking two pairs along (I lied, I was planning on taking at least 4 pairs along.) "What do you mean you are taking 2 pairs with you, how can you ever do such a thing, what are you going to then do with all the pairs of boots that you are still going to buy, I cannot believe that you are taking so much of stuff with you, you always do this, your bags are going to get so full, I am shocked." I added in commas to give you a chance to pause and breathe whilst reading - I'm pretty sure that she did not pause nor breathe whilst saying it. This is what she replied to my taking two pairs of boots along. Imagine if she knew how many I was really planning on taking - needless to say I did not volunteer than information (although she's about to find out as she reads this - sorry, mom.)
My second problem - I overpack; and like most young women, I love shopping so often I end up with too much of stuff (both old and new) and too little space. I have had to leave many a beautiful clothing item behind simply because I could not possibly squeeze in another thing in. I still remember the perfectly good black coat I left behind in London, and the pair of blue heels left in my hotel room in Hong Kong. This time, I decided that I really should not overpack just so that I will not have to leave loved items behind for the lack of space.

On that note, here is a list of clothing (besides essentials) that I WANT to pack -
1. 1 pair of blue jeans, 1 pair of black jeans, leather leggings, 1 pair of white jeans, 1 black formal pants, 1 pair of yellow jeans and 2 pencil skirts.
2. 8 shirts (of different styles - flowy, furry, collared etc.) and 2 tshirts.
3. 1 dress.
4. 4 pairs of gloves, 4 beanies, 2 hats and 4 scarves.
5. 3 pairs of sunglasses.
6. 4 jackets.
7. 4 pairs of boots - 1 white, 1 black, 1 red and 1 tan.
8. 5 necklaces and 3 pairs of earrings.
9. 3 handbags

One day ago, prior to the two-pairs-of-boots lecture, I was actually going to pack all of this stuff. Now, I realise that I cannot possibly pack it all!

Once I am all packed and ready, I will share what the new and improved light-packer in me really did pack (A post on How To Pack Light, perhaps?)
Wish me luck ~ I hope that the hoarder in me allows me to pack as light as my mom says I should.
Positive vibes & The Mandatory xoxo
*pictures are not my own, please click on images for photo credit
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